Genre: Romantic Suspense
Caz Tallis is living her dream, restoring rocking horses in her London workshop. When she finds shabby but charismatic Joe and his dog asleep on her roof terrace, she is reluctantly drawn into investigating a missing rock star and an unsolved murder. When she discovers Joe is not the ordinary guy he says he is, should she continue to trust him? Or go straight to the police as James, her best friend, wants her to? She has to discover who is lying to her, and who is telling the truth, before she too becomes a target for the killer...
Genre: Mystery (humorous)
If you think PTA meetings are boring, then you haven’t attended one in Barbara Marr’s neighborhood, where MURDER is on the agenda. Always one to stumble into trouble, Barb learns the hard way that a seemingly innocent yearbook scandal is actually part of a more sinister and deadly plot. Join soccer mom and movie lover Barbara Marr in this second laugh-out-loud, chaotic mystery, where high-profile crime and suburban living collide in an unexpected fashion.