Hi there!
Please feel free to submit your book to indieauthorsclub by (1) following this
blog, and (2) emailing me at mandy(dot)cowley(at)talktalk.net.
Please confirm you have followed the blog and include the following details:-
1. Book title and author name
2. Genre
3. Cover image
4. Amazon link
5. Short description (120 words or less).
6. This blog is about helping everyone. After your book is submitted, please share the blog address on Twitter and Facebook, and anywhere else that will help to spread the word.
**Your book must be available on the Amazon Kindle Lending Library**
Please let me know if you would like a feature spot. This could be anything from an author interview, a book character interview, or a give-away.
If your book is going to be available for free purchase, please let me know the start and finish dates and I will add it to the free list.
Thank you!